

After logging in, if services are due today, there will be a “ringing” Red Bell at the top of the page.  If no Red Bell is there, you do not have anything due today.  Click on the bell and see a report of all services due.  We made it easy to check  services due without having to do reports.  No one wants to search for anything.  Information should be easy to find and it is using our system.


If you see a White Bell at the top of the page, services are due within 30 days.  If there isn’t a White Bell, you do not have anything due the next 30 days.  Once again, we took the frustration out of finding what services are due.


You receive a daily email with a report of services due, if any.  Click on the link in the the email to see a report of your work orders.   You can download a report and assign work orders to your technicians.  We took the work out of tracking service contracts.


Your customers can receive emails of upcoming services.  This is helpful to communicate with your customers and it’s automatic, so less work for you.  You can turn this feature off, but customers love to be kept informed.  You can also customize how far in advance your customers receive the email, typically 30 days before it’s due.  The less you do, the more profit you make.